
Pieces of Heaven with Hemi-Sync®

15,86 $

Pieces of Heaven with Hemi-Sync®

15,86 $


Music inspired by Anita Moorjani to assist in accessing the near death state by multi-award winning composer Barry Goldstein.

These heart opening melodies by Barry Goldstein were designed to assist one in accessing the near-death state. Featuring ethereal textures, angelic voices, and orchestral undertones, these cosmic tapestries create the perfect sonic backdrop to immerse yourself in the essence of unconditional love. Hemi-Sync® frequencies help to lead you into a state of peace and serenity as you experience heaven on earth. Give yourself a precious vibrational gift with each listen. Length: 57 minutes.

“Barry Goldstein really captures the spirit of heaven in his music – Pieces of Heaven.” – Anita Moorjani, Speaker and New York Times Best Selling Author

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