
Touching Earth

15,86 $

Touching Earth

15,86 $


Enhance your earth-life experience with this reflective, heartfelt meditation

Deepen your relationship with Earth by entering into a heartfelt meditation to reflect on and celebrate this planet we call home. With the aid of Hemi-Sync®, Patty Ray Avalon guides you to recall and feel gratitude for your exquisite earth-life experience, celebrate your connection in your heart, mind and spirit, and allow yourself to just be in quiet communion with all that is. Length: 34 minutes.

Other titles by Patty Ray Avalon are: The Creative Way with Hemi-Sync®, Healing Journeys Support with Hemi-Sync®, Inner States: Dawning of Awareness, The Gratitude Experience, and Positively Ageless with Hemi-Sync®.

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